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From Andrew Beale, Pacifica
Pacifica Shipping are now owned in entirety by the China Navigation Co Ltd, but
a few gems are contained in their archives which PacShip's Commercial Manager,
Andrew Beale, was happy to pass on as part of Pacifica's contribution to this site.

A couple more items can be found on the Close Calls page.

How it all began! "Spirit Of Progress" discharging and loading simultaneously during her maiden visit to Onehunga, using the newly installed ramp on 15 November 1993.
As published in the Ports of Auckland's December 1993 publication
The bow view of the SOP, alongside at Onehunga
SOP occupying the cement berth - a very rare occurrence during her 233 calls. But that's because ...
Spirit Of Vision was also in port, and got first dibs on using the ramp!
A sight not seen too often at Onehunga - a seagull photobombing the two Pacifica rolos (roll-on, lift-on) while they were in port.

Visitors' Contributions